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Insurance Blog

Do I Need To Update My Life Insurance Policy If I Get A More Dangerous Job?

Do I Need To Update My Life Insurance Policy If I Get A More Dangerous Job?

On-the-job injuries happen in every industry. Even office workers can be hurt in trip or slip and fall or other types of work-related accidents. But some occupations are more hazardous than others. If you have recently begun a more dangerous job, you probably need to update your life insurance policy. What Makes A Job More Dangerous? Occupations are generally considered to be more hazardous when...

Three Uncommon Life Insurance Scenarios

Three Uncommon Life Insurance Scenarios

In most cases, when the insured on a life insurance policy dies, the proceeds are paid out to named beneficiaries without a hitch. However, you should be aware of certain unusual scenarios that could occur. Speak with our knowledgeable agent for professional help in avoiding potentially tricky situations with your life insurance policy. Beneficiaries & Insured Persons Die At The Same Time It is not...